InTern..oh Intern....

on Thursday, April 30, 2009
ckp psl keje nih...sume org da lps tngn psl study ble rse da confirm ade keje sem ak xde la cmtu sgt...walopon tgh men dota skrng...ak pkir...nk xnk ak ni kne move forward .. ak kne tinggalkn gk mase kegembiraan ak nih...tumpu mase dpn...dan tiada pilihan utk ak berkata

"NO,dota first priority"

AlKisahNya...ak dpt offer Intern antara pling byk gk org wonder..ak ni,type org cmne...knape & mcm mne org berlaku...

ak ni bukan scorer pon....pointer pon kais pagi mkn pagi , kais ptg di blik Pijo(ape tuh?biarlah rahsia) bese2 je.. Ak bukan type org study cam xde mkna idop da...sume waktu pkir study je..bukan juga jnis org yg sanggup wt ape saje utk dpt score....

tp sem ni ak cbe la rse idop cam org len...stdy ngn geng2 yg mangat study...hakikatnya..sgt berbeza la sem seblom nih...

mungkin ak ni byk terlibat ngn activites linux & networking kt tenet market value tu agk tinggi...bende ni bukan men2...rather than i concentrate to theriotical ,better i go for practical ..itu la yg slalu dlm kpla ak..

tp itu la..nk ckp kt cne pon rse klo ckp intern nih...sume student klo bole nk secure placement n gaji yg masyuk...bukan ape...allowance tu penting gile...siyes...tu hakikat dunia skrng...

ade 1 company nih....agk xberagk la reply application....ak tenang je reply msg dlm ati mmg agk terguris...

you have failed on the first 2 but passed on the 3rd and i am making the exception due to the following:
1. ex-sas (i am not sas but i have plenty of sas friends)
2. email on gnu-pg
3. ubuntu linux

if you do decide to take up this intern offer you can expect to:
1. work with apache and tomcat on rhel on dl380 and dl580 rack mount servers
2. working on the kohana and jquery framework
3. web mashup with gmap and palo api
4. work in a project that is headed by an economist
5. promote your work at exhibitions (mygosscon,, bootcamp, etc)
6. rm300 monthly allowance

however, if you cannot perform, keep giving excuses, and whines a lot - then you can expect to:
1. making coffee for the team
2. buying fried banana fritters / donuts / buns
3. sending and picking up my laundry
4. buying stationery
5. answering the telephone
6. rm300 monthly allowance

if you are still interested, pls post your resume and cover letters to our {ceonsored}office with attention to myself.

pastu plak contact ak pastu ckp --->

salam. i hope you are confirmed to report to {consored} on 1 jun 2009
we already have a project lined up for you at the ministry of finance

ak ni bukan jnis org xle ambek klo lebey2 ni,,panas jugk...yg bgusnye ak ni bukan pendendam ak xdecide based on ape yg penah berlaku....
ak xkesah sgt duit nih..klo ak dpt tag lekat kt baju "INTERN STUDENT", pastu ak ble dpt free umah,mkn ..etc..xpe klo allowance abes kt rent kes...cmne ak nk ak rse susa nk decide...lgpon ak da bajet nk gi intern kt tmpt len..yg dpt lebey dri ak xdecide lg pon..haish...
