PreSSure from InsiDe n outside !! for is frustrating to face people who you hope supporting you...but keep pressuring u....
no more motivation words....everytime it is all about could that be....perhaps because it just seems i near to die....
NO....I"M NOT......I'm a man with a plan....i'm not just do could you possibly think i'm like that....
When the time come...we will learn the lesson....!
Better than dumBaSS~ (it does ring the bell)
I'm thinking and suggest to my future-to-be housemate (LoL...) to share together and use Streamyx in our rent turn out pretty well...they said give them time to think...
First of all...i don't have any need actually struggling for internet ... as i have "kind of perfect" internet connection in my office...and my boss allows me to come anytime to office ....and i even have office keys...moreover....i have only one tiny laptop(currently)....which is i prefer using my "big screen" office pc to suft internet....
But i do concern about my friends....and if they agree to share money for streamyx..i just put myself in...eventhough it sound not even worth it.After all...having internet at room is not bad at all..(even broswing using ee pc size screen)....
while discussing about internet connection with person mentions that we might need to restrict the prohibit downloading might cause other people getting slow internet this point...i already notice that they don't understand/know anything about how internet works...and even worse...most of they prefer to keep that perception rather than asking people around that surely have experience or atleast know much better than them....but i don't really care about it..because no matter what are they the end they are going for my suggestion anyways... turn out they told me it is cancel .... they rather choose broandband (currently they just bought celcom service)than streamyx is quite frusterated me .... even so it doesn't effect me at all...i still can browse (and typing currently) using my office high speed internet connection..
the only thing that i do care is..i feel simpity with of my friends that bought that broadband didn't even know that trashold for Celcom is 5gig,while most of reason for him to have internet connection is to download Korea/Japan drama (don't is true!)..i don't what other things that he don't know....but i just don't care and don't want to is not my problem after all...he won't listen a word i say just let he do what he believes in...i don't know how cleaver the promoter/seller tricked them..mentions the advantage without give pro cons about the products...but it just happen i quite sad to know that the tricks did screwed people around me..
To reader/s ,
the art of selling is simple...i will guide you all for what i know...first of all...
1. try to cover the products cons by measuring your customer knowledge--why?how? if you meet such dumbass customers that don't know anything...and looking to believe every single things about product that comes out from your can just trick them as you wish....give them what they deserve to hear...
2.force them to try no matter what...some of customers will be amaze with your determination and willing to buy it...even at first they already put decide wan to cut they head rather than buying your product...
they add price and claim that they give discount to the time you come you will see same product with same price even without discount....
People do love security... the promoter can trick customer with put guaranty statement that sound to good to be true...BUT at the end of statement...there will be small statement **condition apply ..that statement that going to hide all those will never know till you brought the product.. previous successful service/product comment..
we ever no whether it is self-made testimony or already been edit...anyhow it works...
Below are listed service provider in Malaysia....i suggest to use it is the best for now**(even it is pain in ass everytime to pay the bill)
First of all...i don't have any need actually struggling for internet ... as i have "kind of perfect" internet connection in my office...and my boss allows me to come anytime to office ....and i even have office keys...moreover....i have only one tiny laptop(currently)....which is i prefer using my "big screen" office pc to suft internet....
But i do concern about my friends....and if they agree to share money for streamyx..i just put myself in...eventhough it sound not even worth it.After all...having internet at room is not bad at all..(even broswing using ee pc size screen)....
while discussing about internet connection with person mentions that we might need to restrict the prohibit downloading might cause other people getting slow internet this point...i already notice that they don't understand/know anything about how internet works...and even worse...most of they prefer to keep that perception rather than asking people around that surely have experience or atleast know much better than them....but i don't really care about it..because no matter what are they the end they are going for my suggestion anyways... turn out they told me it is cancel .... they rather choose broandband (currently they just bought celcom service)than streamyx is quite frusterated me .... even so it doesn't effect me at all...i still can browse (and typing currently) using my office high speed internet connection..
the only thing that i do care is..i feel simpity with of my friends that bought that broadband didn't even know that trashold for Celcom is 5gig,while most of reason for him to have internet connection is to download Korea/Japan drama (don't is true!)..i don't what other things that he don't know....but i just don't care and don't want to is not my problem after all...he won't listen a word i say just let he do what he believes in...i don't know how cleaver the promoter/seller tricked them..mentions the advantage without give pro cons about the products...but it just happen i quite sad to know that the tricks did screwed people around me..
To reader/s ,
the art of selling is simple...i will guide you all for what i know...first of all...
1. try to cover the products cons by measuring your customer knowledge--why?how? if you meet such dumbass customers that don't know anything...and looking to believe every single things about product that comes out from your can just trick them as you wish....give them what they deserve to hear...
2.force them to try no matter what...some of customers will be amaze with your determination and willing to buy it...even at first they already put decide wan to cut they head rather than buying your product...
they add price and claim that they give discount to the time you come you will see same product with same price even without discount....
People do love security... the promoter can trick customer with put guaranty statement that sound to good to be true...BUT at the end of statement...there will be small statement **condition apply ..that statement that going to hide all those will never know till you brought the product.. previous successful service/product comment..
we ever no whether it is self-made testimony or already been edit...anyhow it works...
Below are listed service provider in Malaysia....i suggest to use it is the best for now**(even it is pain in ass everytime to pay the bill)
password cracker :: how secure your passowrd?
Posted by
8:07 PM
while taking one of the most interesting subject in my studies ( network security ) ..i learned about a lots of craps that i never imagine ..before that..i thought that the password crack is just simple thing..all you need to do is download software..and play with security seems deny it...but seems that knowledge is too complicated for humanbeing (atleast me..LOL) to understand..
but as one of the best network security student ever exist in UTP...i feel my obligation to explain what the secure password is really mean...(POYO kaw-kaw)..
first of all...breaking password divided into two ways ..first is understanding the algorithm...second is bruteforce...
bruteforce is actually kids game for scriptkiddies to play around with password cracking...people can easily crack / break password without needs of knowing how the password really protected ..neverless ... bruteforce is popular yet working way to break weak password does it works?we are going to it to detail..but now i'm just going to give brief ..bruteforce software/application is merely use dictionary words to test your password with words that exist in dictionary ..that is it
any password cracking example bro?
yea..yea....i give you...dont worry..from what i know...the most common password cracker are medusa and the link for description ....but for the timebeing...john the ripper is well-known for password cracking can ask google for details yaaa..
but as one of the best network security student ever exist in UTP...i feel my obligation to explain what the secure password is really mean...(POYO kaw-kaw)..
first of all...breaking password divided into two ways ..first is understanding the algorithm...second is bruteforce...
bruteforce is actually kids game for scriptkiddies to play around with password cracking...people can easily crack / break password without needs of knowing how the password really protected ..neverless ... bruteforce is popular yet working way to break weak password does it works?we are going to it to detail..but now i'm just going to give brief ..bruteforce software/application is merely use dictionary words to test your password with words that exist in dictionary ..that is it
any password cracking example bro?
yea..yea....i give you...dont worry..from what i know...the most common password cracker are medusa and the link for description ....but for the timebeing...john the ripper is well-known for password cracking can ask google for details yaaa..
7 stages in Internet Marketing
Posted by
8:05 PM
Tahap 1 – The Mooches
Secara ringkas, The Mooches adalah mereka yang :
- Mempercayai internet bukanlah tempat untuk menjana sebarang pendapatan, tetapi internet hanyalah sekadar tempat untuk berseronok.
- Kemahiran yang rendah di dalam teknik pemasaran.
- Kurangnya motivasi untuk berjaya.
- Bersikap rendah diri dan takut untuk mencuba.
- PERCAYA bahawa kekayaan itu adalah kebetulan sahaja dan bukannya hasil dari kemahiran dan kerja keras.
Tahap 2 – The Wanna-Be
The Wanna-Be berada di atas sedikit dari The Mooches.
Dan mereka di dalam bahagian The Wanna-Be ini memiliki sifat dan personaliti seperti :
- Sama seperti The Mooches, yakni kurangnya motivasi untuk berjaya.
- Mahu wang tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana untuk mendapatkannya.
- Gagal untuk bertanggungjawab keatas segala tindakan di dalam hidup mereka.
- Mudah menjadi mangsa penipuan scam.Golongan ini melaburkan wang mereka di dalam peluang-peluang murah, mempercayai kononnya akan membawa kekayaan kepada mereka suatu hari nanti.
Tahap 3 – The Pretend To Be
Golongan The Pretend To Be ini boleh diibaratkan sebagai mereka yang bekerja keras TETAPI tidak mengambil sebarang pengajaran dari hasil usahanya.
Bermakna golongan ini, jika mereka gagal, mereka tidak membuat sebarang kajian atau post mortem mengapa mereka gagal.
Akhirnya mereka asyik melakukan kesilapan yang sama, kononnya mereka bekerja keras, tetapi masih lagi tidak berjaya berjaya.
Golongan ini Hard Work , tetapi tidak Work Smart.Ciri-ciri golongan ini adalah adalah seperti :
- Mereka cakap banyak, namun pada hakikatnya mereka tidak melakukan apa yang mereka cakapkan itu.They just don’t walk the talk.
- Kurang keberanian dan takut kepada ketidaktahuan.
- Mereka hidup di dalam sangkaan mereka sendiri yang salah.Mereka mempercayai adanya masa yang sesuai dan tidak untuk melakukan sesuatu.Hakikatnya mereka tidak tahu SEKARANG adalah masa yang paling tepat..!
Tahap 4 – The Newbie
Di tahap keempat ini adalah tahap untuk The Newbie.Mereka yang di tahap ini mempunyai sikap-sikap yang sangat positif seperti keinginan untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu baru, mempunyai kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperlukan, namun kekurangan pengalaman.
Golongan ini mempunyai pegangan tersendiri iaitu ‘If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.’ Ini bermakna, mereka akan melakukan KESEMUA kerja-kerja berkaitan perniagaan mereka, dan secara langsung ianya tidak memberi peluang untuk mengembangkan perniagaan mereka.
Ciri-ciri untuk golongan The Newbie ini adalah :
- Kebanyakan dari usahawan internet JATUH di level ini.
- Mereka keliru dengan pendekatan yang betul untuk memasarkan sesuatu produk.
- Kurangnya pemahaman terhadap asas di dalam pemasaran.
- Tiada visi.Gagal untuk melihat perniagaan mereka dari segi jangka panjang.
Tahap 5 – The Marketer
The Marketer telah mencapai tahap di mana mereka hampir mencapai kejayaan tersendiri.Mereka telah menjana pendapatan akan tetapi mereka kurang dari segi cita-cita untuk membina sebuah perniagaan berasaskan internet, dan bukan hanya memiliki laman web yang menjana pendapatan sahaja.
Mereka ini mempunyai ciri-ciri seperti :
- Takut untuk keluar dari zon selesa mereka, walaupun menjana pendapatan yang tinggi dari internet.
- Kebanyakannya memilih ‘bermain untuk tidak kalah’ berbanding ‘bermain untuk menang’.
- Memiliki perniagaan yang berpotensi untuk dibawa ke tahap yang seterusnya.
Tahap 6 – The Master
The Master adalah jutawan.Mereka mempunyai pendapatan 6 angka setahun.Mereka adalah leader di dalam industri mereka.Mereka berpengalaman bekerja di dalam pelbagai jenis perniagaan.
Keupayaan utama The Master adalah , mereka boleh memasuki mana-mana saja niche, walaupun niche yang mereka masuki itu bukanlah niche kepakaran mereka dan mereka tiada pengalaman di dalam pasaran niche tersebut.
Ciri-ciri mereka di bahagian The Master adalah seperti berikut :
- Mereka meng-outsource hampir keseluruhan perniagaan mereka kecuali pemasaran.
- Tidak pernah berhenti belajar-sentiasa ingin menambah ilmu dan membuat pelaburan untuk diri sendiri.
- Menpunyai visi yang jelas dengan apa yang mereka inginkan.
- Percaya pada diri sendiri dan keupayaan yang mereka ada.
Tahap 7 – The Entrepreneur
Inilah tahap terakhir di dalam hirarki seorang usahawan internet.
The Entrepreneur adalah mereka yang telah mencapai kejayaan tertingi di dalam hidup mereka.
Mereka mengaji individu-individu yang lebih cemerlang dari mereka untuk memastikan kejayaan perniagaan mereka.
Ciri-ciri The Entrepreneur adalah mereka yang :
- Memiliki visi dan sifat keusahawanan yang tinggi.
- Membawa perniagaan mereka menjadi public.
- Sentiasa meningkatkan modal.
- Mengaji pengurus profesional untuk menjalankan perniagaan mereka.
Definisi Jutawan??
Posted by
8:03 PM
salam Ramadan....dah lama aku meninggalkan blog ini dalam menjalani liku-liku kehidupan sebagai orang berkerjaya.....sesekali rasa ingin dihati untuk menconteng sedikit nota dikala petang yg hening ini...
Dalam aku menjalani kehidupan sebagai scoreA networker.....aku menyedari sangat banyak ilmu yang aku pelajari darinnya.....lecturer Business aku pernah berkata..."tak semua manusia yang lahir didunia ini mampu menjadi usahawan yang berjaya...tetapi sebab kegagalan adalah berpunca dari individu sendiri"
aku merenung sejenak....aku memikirkan apakah persamaan kerjaya aku sendri...Sifu Aziz selalu berpesan "untuk berjaya kita perlu ada perasaan yang cukup-cukup mahu"
jutawan? setengah orang geli telinga mendengarnya..tak kurang juga tertawa...namun...benarkah sesiapa pon mampu mencapainya..?jawapannya tidak! hanya 1% shaja yg mampu berjaya....ciri2 orang yg berjaya adalah
3.ketahanan dan pengorbanan
huraian? nantikan sambungannya nanti.....renung2kan dan selamat beramal
Dalam aku menjalani kehidupan sebagai scoreA networker.....aku menyedari sangat banyak ilmu yang aku pelajari darinnya.....lecturer Business aku pernah berkata..."tak semua manusia yang lahir didunia ini mampu menjadi usahawan yang berjaya...tetapi sebab kegagalan adalah berpunca dari individu sendiri"
aku merenung sejenak....aku memikirkan apakah persamaan kerjaya aku sendri...Sifu Aziz selalu berpesan "untuk berjaya kita perlu ada perasaan yang cukup-cukup mahu"
jutawan? setengah orang geli telinga mendengarnya..tak kurang juga tertawa...namun...benarkah sesiapa pon mampu mencapainya..?jawapannya tidak! hanya 1% shaja yg mampu berjaya....ciri2 orang yg berjaya adalah
3.ketahanan dan pengorbanan
huraian? nantikan sambungannya nanti.....renung2kan dan selamat beramal
kenangan lalu
hari ni cam tetibe hari paling serabut..namun begitu sekitar aku macam tak rasa apa2 berlaku ..mungkin sebab macam mana serabut pon aku masih dapat cover dengan baiknya...
ye la...sekitar kol 12 tgh hari...tetibe ada 1 call dari org dikenali...pastu trus cakap
"cibai..oh celaka ....bla2...bla....ko gi cakap rahsia tu kenapa...?"
aku memang tak tau nak jawab pe....sebab memang tah tetibe dak ni naik berang...aku pon malas nak layan amarah dier..aku bukan orang lemah...yang mampu dikawal oleh kata-kata orang aku biarkan dia melepaskan apa yang dia nak kata...
masa ni memang aku pasti yang cakap tu bukan diri dia...tapi syaitan da ambil aku biarkan la...
ikut hati memang sakit juga hati la..panas dia je yang dia fikir...cakap main sedap mulut je...aku juga kneal sangat mamat ni...ego dia sangat aku biarkan je la...dia ngan diri dia...
sampai sekarang pon ak tak tau ape yang dia fikir....tapi aku ingat nasihat dia...macam mana pon perangai manusia dihadapi...walaupon seteruk perangai syaitan yang merasuk dia ni...yang penting...aku doakan dia berjaya...
semoga berjaya!
ye la...sekitar kol 12 tgh hari...tetibe ada 1 call dari org dikenali...pastu trus cakap
"cibai..oh celaka ....bla2...bla....ko gi cakap rahsia tu kenapa...?"
aku memang tak tau nak jawab pe....sebab memang tah tetibe dak ni naik berang...aku pon malas nak layan amarah dier..aku bukan orang lemah...yang mampu dikawal oleh kata-kata orang aku biarkan dia melepaskan apa yang dia nak kata...
masa ni memang aku pasti yang cakap tu bukan diri dia...tapi syaitan da ambil aku biarkan la...
ikut hati memang sakit juga hati la..panas dia je yang dia fikir...cakap main sedap mulut je...aku juga kneal sangat mamat ni...ego dia sangat aku biarkan je la...dia ngan diri dia...
sampai sekarang pon ak tak tau ape yang dia fikir....tapi aku ingat nasihat dia...macam mana pon perangai manusia dihadapi...walaupon seteruk perangai syaitan yang merasuk dia ni...yang penting...aku doakan dia berjaya...
semoga berjaya!
the truth is revealed !
Have you ever read the book 1984 by George Orwell? If you have you might remember the use of double speak, where words come to mean the exact opposite of what they are actually saying! It was used as a way to deceive and brainwash the masses.
Have you noticed that a very similar thing has happened on the Internet? There is a whole new language of deceit on-line that is designed to "encourage" the unwary to part with their hard earned cash. And, just like 1984 the real meaning of these words is exactly the opposite of what they promise!
We've all seen the websites:
vast earnings within a month
in your pajamas
in one hour a day
with your downline built for you
In fact, you don't have to do anything very much at all and you will be a millionaire in 90 days!
The really crazy thing is that people fall for these promises! Before you think I am being a "Holy Joe" here that is not so - in the past I have bought into this nonsense too. It is as though we have all been brainwashed and our common sense has totally deserted us!
So, let's just tune back into the real world for a second. You're walking down a street and a complete stranger comes up to you and says that he will make you a millionaire if you just give him $47. You would probably send them quickly on their way - you are obviously far too sensible a person to be conned like that!
And yet, turn on our computers and we suddenly become different animals.....
Wow! This program looks really good - look at the earnings he's making, look at all those wonderful testimonials - where's my wallet?
It's crazy, but everyday all over the Internet a few people are making a lot of money peddling this rubbish while the vast majority end up losing their cash, and with it their enthusiasm and dreams. We may be in 2010 but double speak exists - on almost every over-hyped web page on the Internet!
So, what are the real secrets to Internet success? Of course there are none! There is a path though - a route that, if followed, will lead to you making more than enough money on-line. The path is made up of three components and I call them the 3 T's: Tools, Training, and Teamwork!
Tools: To make money you must have a vehicle that will allow you to do so - you must have certain tools to work with. Almost certainly you will need your own domain name and website. An autoresponder is another essential, allowing you to collect contact details from potential customers and automate the follow-up process. Then, to communicate with and train the people in your team, a webinair setup would be really helpful. The list of tools begins to mount and before you go very far you can be spending a small fortune on these various services.
Training: This is the one thing that causes so many people to lose out with their online endeavors - they get insufficient training! Give me any successful profession, where people can earn large sums of money, and tell me if they have training. Of course they do! Would you go to a doctor who hadn't been through a thorough training process? Or a lawyer? And yet people chip in to the Internet and expect to be experts overnight! The simple truth is you must be an excellent student and you have to tap into a source of real training if you are to succeed!
Teamwork: There is an old acronym for the word TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More! Teamwork implies that the end result is greater than the sum of the parts. In a strong team there is always a cross section of skills available, enabling you to use others as a resource to plug the knowledge and expertise you may be short of. Being part of a strong team is the one of the surest ways to give yourself a real chance of winning the on-line game!
So, there you have it. Tools, Training, and Teamwork. Not exactly a secret is it? And if all of this sounds as though it might be rather expensive then I may have a very pleasant surprise for you! scoreA gives you all these for a monthly figure of just $19.99! It is your complete one-stop shop for everything you will need to run a successful on-line business. We will even show you how you can make money from this and get your own Tools, Training, and Team for free!
The really good part of all this is you don't have to take my word for it. Just contact me on gtalk at and I will introduce you to the ultimate scoreA - you can ask questions, get a feel for what we are about, and make your own mind up. No Gurus here - just a group of real ordinary people working together to achieve extraordinary results.
Have you noticed that a very similar thing has happened on the Internet? There is a whole new language of deceit on-line that is designed to "encourage" the unwary to part with their hard earned cash. And, just like 1984 the real meaning of these words is exactly the opposite of what they promise!
We've all seen the websites:
vast earnings within a month
in your pajamas
in one hour a day
with your downline built for you
In fact, you don't have to do anything very much at all and you will be a millionaire in 90 days!
The really crazy thing is that people fall for these promises! Before you think I am being a "Holy Joe" here that is not so - in the past I have bought into this nonsense too. It is as though we have all been brainwashed and our common sense has totally deserted us!
So, let's just tune back into the real world for a second. You're walking down a street and a complete stranger comes up to you and says that he will make you a millionaire if you just give him $47. You would probably send them quickly on their way - you are obviously far too sensible a person to be conned like that!
And yet, turn on our computers and we suddenly become different animals.....
Wow! This program looks really good - look at the earnings he's making, look at all those wonderful testimonials - where's my wallet?
It's crazy, but everyday all over the Internet a few people are making a lot of money peddling this rubbish while the vast majority end up losing their cash, and with it their enthusiasm and dreams. We may be in 2010 but double speak exists - on almost every over-hyped web page on the Internet!
So, what are the real secrets to Internet success? Of course there are none! There is a path though - a route that, if followed, will lead to you making more than enough money on-line. The path is made up of three components and I call them the 3 T's: Tools, Training, and Teamwork!
Tools: To make money you must have a vehicle that will allow you to do so - you must have certain tools to work with. Almost certainly you will need your own domain name and website. An autoresponder is another essential, allowing you to collect contact details from potential customers and automate the follow-up process. Then, to communicate with and train the people in your team, a webinair setup would be really helpful. The list of tools begins to mount and before you go very far you can be spending a small fortune on these various services.
Training: This is the one thing that causes so many people to lose out with their online endeavors - they get insufficient training! Give me any successful profession, where people can earn large sums of money, and tell me if they have training. Of course they do! Would you go to a doctor who hadn't been through a thorough training process? Or a lawyer? And yet people chip in to the Internet and expect to be experts overnight! The simple truth is you must be an excellent student and you have to tap into a source of real training if you are to succeed!
Teamwork: There is an old acronym for the word TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More! Teamwork implies that the end result is greater than the sum of the parts. In a strong team there is always a cross section of skills available, enabling you to use others as a resource to plug the knowledge and expertise you may be short of. Being part of a strong team is the one of the surest ways to give yourself a real chance of winning the on-line game!
So, there you have it. Tools, Training, and Teamwork. Not exactly a secret is it? And if all of this sounds as though it might be rather expensive then I may have a very pleasant surprise for you! scoreA gives you all these for a monthly figure of just $19.99! It is your complete one-stop shop for everything you will need to run a successful on-line business. We will even show you how you can make money from this and get your own Tools, Training, and Team for free!
The really good part of all this is you don't have to take my word for it. Just contact me on gtalk at and I will introduce you to the ultimate scoreA - you can ask questions, get a feel for what we are about, and make your own mind up. No Gurus here - just a group of real ordinary people working together to achieve extraordinary results.
Contact me
radzi 013-4372508
Blog diterjah oleh Cik EPAL
tq cik epal....
terjahan cik epal ... hak3
Tulisan terbalik facebook dan macam lagi
Posted by
3:41 AM
The MighTY bullSHiT
The more you give, the more you get back in return. Do you agree?
Not even close! The more you give the more you get screwed.
Isn't it...? i don't know....human life is so subjective....most of people won't appreciate something until they lose it...that applies to me too...haha....what's the hell huh?
I have hell of problems to be solve....and i don't even think i can solve matter is not that too is just is so much pain to handle it..especially alone...
"kalau saja waktu itu ku tak jumpa dirinya...ku tak mungkin jadi seperti ini...dirimu dan dirinya kini...membawa dalam kehancuran...maafkan diriku..menduakan cintamu....maafkan diriku....sepenuh hatimu...seandainya bila..ku bisa memilih....nya~~" -UNGU
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