you want to screw my MyBank2U??..WTF..hak3..

on Monday, May 11, 2009

First of all...i don't even have myBank account...hak3...this email really such funny..

Lets he/she's screwing people around....

First of all....we want to this a$$H0(3 do send an email using fake email address isn't difficult...there are plenty ways though...easiest is just by doing

Form MAsterGuru Post -->
> telnet 25

Telnet is the application we are going to use but in this case we are connecting to port 25 and not to the normal telnet port of 23. Port 25 is used for SMTP or the protocol used for email. You should get the following response back if you are connecting to an exchange server. 220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.1830 ready at Tue, 19 Feb 2005 14:44:12 -0500 Now you should type the following

> helo

The server should respond that helo back. Next type in the following:

> mail from:

This tells the server that you want to send email from the bosses account. Next type:

> rcpt to:

This is your friends email address. And next type:

> data

This sets the system to get ready for you to begin writing your message. Now start typing what you want to say:

> Friend, I am tired of your constant watching of penny arcade video’s and now you are fired.

Once you are done writing your message hit enter, then type a period “.” And then hit enter again. It will store and then save your message sending it to your friend. Now that is what I call funny!

This person also make stupid spelling errors ,where we can easily detect it. Noted that the address also difference with the link given

For is easy to just need to googling around for html howto ..and learn it...or just use webdevelopment tools such as...dreamweaver ...

To save his/her ass... might hosting the website using ghost pc (Botnet) or spoof his/her ip address...

How to defend ?

how eh ?? i also don't know...hahaha ..just don't be such dumAss and moron... if you recieved email such as this..or even phone call...make sure to call the real company mention and confirm about it first....Remember... there is no such thing as free give....atleast in this world....